Sacral cranio therapy and somato-emotional release

Sacral Cranio Therapy & Somato-Emotional Release

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Cranio-sacral therapy and liberation of body memories
What's the point ?
This technique can be considered as the bridge for communication between body and mind. This approach is complementary to physical approaches, such as osteopathy and intervenes

when the body "blocks" because of the mind and also in addition to a psychological approach, when the mind "blocks" because of the body.

Tensions, stress, headache, sinusitis, chronic pain, fatigue, emotions, physical or emotional trauma, shocks, accidents, physical rehabilitation, sleep or digestion disorders, sleep apnea, phobias, Alzheimer's, fibryomalgia, multiple sclerosis , memory, self-esteem, overall well-being and more ...
What is it ?
It is a gentle manual therapy for the release of physical and / or emotional blockages, a psycho-corporal approach of accompaniment of the person wishing to blossom fully.
How does it happen ?
The person chooses the work axis of the session: structural and / or emotional.
The session takes place sitting or lying, the physical contact is on the clothes, the exchanges with the person are non-directive so that this one finds its own way and can integrated its truth to be.
How does it work ?
The therapist works on the movements of the bones of the skull, from the vertebral axis to the sacrum, hence the name "craniosacral".
The bones are pushed by the pressure of the cerebrospinal fluid during its passage in the dura: It is the craniosacral rhythm or primary respiration.
The therapist checks that the circulation is fluid and identifies the restricted areas. By a very soft touch, the body is invited to correct itself by accompanying towards the "normal" movement.
The blockage may be only physiological and sometimes also in relation to a lived experience, the dialogue allows the linking of the bodily feeling with the psychic feeling.
The neutrality of the therapist in accompaniment is essential for a sustainable integration on the path of self-realization.
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